Saturday, 21 November 2015

Common Installation Problems Faced while Erecting a Solar Panel

Roof damaging while erecting solar installers is a common problem and should not be encouraged. You need high efficiency solar pv panels along with a serviceable roof condition. This articles sums up few of those common installation problem which are frequently encountered while assembling a solar PV panel.

Roof life span is as important as solar panel lifespan

Since the solar panel is situated over the roof top, such that the roof condition is also must be taken into account. A damaged and worn out roof cannot withstand a panel for long. So erect a solar panel on the sturdy roof, you can also use a waterproof membrane covering on the top of roof to provide extra protection.

Shielding unwanted shades

Shades are enemy of solar panels as it cuts short its power liberating efficacy. So try to construct the panel on such a position on the roof which is blessed with day long sun rays exposure. More the rays reflect on the grid, more solar energy is converted into consumable electrical energy. Before you install it, do check out the place where you want to construct and make sure no wall or big trees are around your installer. 

Avoid water-logging

As we all know, electricity and water are not good friends and are highly incompatible. A mere water-logging, resulting out of sudden rain can turn out into a detrimental short circuit accident. So, try of build the roof have proper slope, draining excess of water, the conductor of electricity.

Other important consideration includes:

•    Proper and regular maintenance of roof, this consists of periodic scrutiny, cleaning and damage make over.
•    Not only sun rays, also do consider the direction of the flow of the wind current. A strong thud of wind is enough to damage your priced solar panel. So, its better you study the place for 1-2 days and then draw a final conclusion before installation.
•    Roof must have a proper stair case with adequate space limit. It is through this stair that the entire set up would be carried up to the roof and then installed.

So, check your roof health and then plan for an solar panel construction, as by doing this you can enjoy an uninterrupted service for over a decade or more. Apart from considering the system by yourself you can also hire some expert professionals to get the job done in no time.


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