Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Important things you need to know about off grid living

going off the grid

So you have planned going off the grid. You would have certainly done all the research and you would know by now what are the factors to be considered. Living off the grid is not as easy simply sitting in a garden and enjoying the nice natural view around you. It is much more.

You need to conduct an extensive planning and preparation if you wish to start the off grid living. The basic thought behind it is living an independent and a self sufficient, sustainable life. Here are the must know facts for you before you live off the grid:

> Property:  This is one thing that is a must. An ideal location is one of the most primary requirements of a sustainable living. Moreover, you need a land which is situated in a remote location such that you get accustomed to your new lifestyle. The land which you will purchase in these areas will be less expensive than the others and also property tax free.

> Home: Having a shelter is the most basic need of all us humans and that is exactly what your second requirement will be. The homes that support off grid solar and lifestyle are designed in a traditional wood frame house, cabin, a tiny house, or also an octagonal shaped tent will suffice. It is important to choose any one type of shelter for your needs.

> Adequate Water Collection:  A sufficient potable water source is very crucial for off grid living. While selecting the land, you must ensure that it has a natural water source, or there should be a convenient system of hauling out water. You will also need a good water collecting system. It can as simple as a rain barrel or even as complicated as the rain water collecting system from the roof.

> Power Generation: As you will not be associated to the power grid, you need to generate your own power. There are a lot of accessories and products that provide off grid heating, power generation, chargers, batteries etc. Using the wind turbines in combination with the solar panels will actually benefit your power development.

What are the benefits of using a commercial biomass?

Biomass heating

If you have suddenly come to this realisation that the electricity bills of your home is increasing with each passing day, it is high time that you take a pause, and look for some alternate sources for energy and generation. Biomass can help you with it.

Here is a list of things that commercial biomass can help you with:

  • Makes a considerable reduction in the overall carbon emission
The carbon emitted by the biomass fuels is only a fraction of what the fossil fuels produce. Hence, there is a significant decrease in the level of carbon that is being emitted. When you burn any fossil fuel, you release the stored carbon into the environment. There are many types of biomass boilers that are smoke free.

  • Biomass boilers have great efficiency
Today’s biomass and systems are highly advanced and technologically sound that offer great efficiency and an enhanced system of safety measures. One of the prime reasons why they are efficient is because they do not waste any fuel or heat, the ash that is generated can be dealt with quite easily, and the carbon dioxide which is created by the combustion process is only of the quantity that can be consumed by the tress. 

You only have to ensure that you buy the boiler of a good and reputed company and one that specialises in this particular type of renewable sources of energy.
  • Integrate with other heating systems
Biomass heating is very much popular and these boilers have the potency to totally replace the current fuel gases like oil, LPG, and gas. It is possible to warm up your entire room with the biomass heating system and also, many people consider it to be more cosy and safe as well.
  • They are highly economical
A biomass boiler is only an initial investment and then later on it will turn to be quite reasonable than the everyday rising costs of non renewable energy.
  • Low maintenance
All heating boilers require very little maintenance. You can let the biomass installer guide you and let you know all the tips and tricks of taking care of your biomass boiler.